30 | Dell SonicWALL WXA 1.3 User’s Guide
Web Cache Panel
Windows Domain The Windows domain on which the WXA series appliance will
accelerate access to configured shares.
Note: This field is not displayed if using “Unsigned SMB” only.
Total Data Reduction (%) The total percentage of data reduced by the WFS Acceleration ser-
WAN Capacity Increase Factor Displays the total amount of WAN capacity increase over the speci-
fied period of time.
Cache Size Displays the amount of read-ahead data stored in the cache.
Note: The WFS Cache statistics displayed in this page only repre-
sent Signed SMB traffic. If you are using Unsigned SMB, the WFS
Cache statistics do not apply.
Name Description
Name Description
Web Cache • Enabled—Indicates that WAN Acceleration is enabled and that
web traffic passing through the NSA/TZ series appliance is to be
redirected to the Web Cache on the WXA series appliance.
• Disabled—Indicates that the Web Cache is not enabled and web
traffic passing through the NSA/TZ series appliance is not redi-
rected to the Web Cache on the WXA series appliance.
Service Status on WXA The current operational status of the Web Cache.
• Running—Indicates the Web Cache service is running normally.
• Ready—Indicates the Web Cache service is ready to begin cach-
ing as soon as the component is enabled.
• Unavailable—Indicates the Web Cache service is not running on
the WXA series appliance, this may be due to an error.
• Unknown—Indicates that the status of the Web Cache service on
the connected WXA series appliance is not known at the present
Total Data Reduction (%) Displays the difference between the data conveyed and the data
sent, represented as a percentage.
WAN Capacity Increase Factor Indicates the total amount of WAN capacity increase over the speci-
fied period of time.
Cache Size Displays the current size of the cache used by the Web Cache.
Cache Free Space Displays the amount of disk space available to the Web Cache.
Number of Cached Objects Displays the number of objects currently stored in the Web Cache.