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WFS Acceleration Panel
WAN Capacity Increase Factor The ratio of the amount of data conveyed, to the amount that is
actually sent. Use this as a guide for how much extra capacity the
WAN has gained without any increase in bandwidth.
Connections Displays the following information for TCP Acceleration connec-
• Max—The maximum number of TCP connections permitted at
any instant.
• Peak—The peak humber of TCP connections passing through the
WXA series appliance during the period covered by the statistics.
• Current—The current number of TCP connections passing
through the WXA series appliance.
• New - The number of new connections.
• Closed - The number of closed connections.
Name Description
Name Description
WFS Acceleration • Enabled—Indicates that both the general WAN Acceleration ser-
vice and either of the specified WFS Acceleration (Supporting
Signed and Unsigned SMB) switches are enabled.
• Disabled—Indicates that both the general WAN Acceleration ser-
vice and either of the specified WFS Acceleration (Supporting
Signed and Unsigned SMB) switches are disabled.
Service Status on WXA Displays current status of the WFS Acceleration service, reflecting
both Unsigned and Signed SMB.
• Running—Indicates the WFS Acceleration service on the WXA
series appliance is accelerating wide area file sharing operations.
• Ready—Indicates the WFS Acceleration service on the WXA
series appliance is up and ready to accelerating wide area file shar-
ing operations as soon as the component is enabled.
Note: There are separate switches to control support for Signed
and Unsigned SMB traffic.
• No Domain—To accelerate Signed SMB traffic, the WXA series
appliance must join the Windows domain. This indicates that sup-
port for Signed SMB is enabled but either the WXA series appliance
has not joined the Domain or its status on the domain is unknown.
Note: This status will not display if using “Unsigned SMB” only.
• Unavailable—Indicates the WFS Acceleration service is not run-
ning on the connected WXA series appliance or there may be an
• Unknown—Indicates the status of the WFS Acceleration service
on the connected WXA series appliance is not known at the present