28 | Dell SonicWALL WXA 1.3 User’s Guide
TCP Acceleration Panel
Authentication Code Displays the authentication code used to register the WXA series appli-
Note: This is also used as the password for a machine account when
automatically provisioning the WXA series appliance.
Firmware Version Displays the firmware version that is currently loaded on the WXA series
Name Description
Name Description
TCP Acceleration • Enabled—Indicates that both the WAN Acceleration service and
the specific TCP Acceleration switches are enabled. TCP traffic is
sent to the WXA series appliance in order to be accelerated across
the network.
• Disabled—Indicates the TCP Acceleration service or the general
WAN Acceleration service is disabled.
Service Status on WXA The current status of the TCP Acceleration service.
• Running—Indicates the TCP Acceleration service on the WXA
series appliance is accelerating TCP connections
• Ready—Indicates the TCP Acceleration service on the WXA
series appliance is up and ready to accelerate TCP connections as
soon as the component is enabled.
• Unavailable—Indicates the TCP Acceleration service is either
not running on the connected WXA series appliance or there is an
• Unknown—Indicates the status of the TCP Acceleration service
on the WXA series appliance is not known at the moment.
Total Data Reduction (%) The total percentage of data reduced by the TCP Acceleration ser-