Simple Copy
Simple Copy
You can select [Copy] or [Simple Copy] on the [Home] screen to set the features for the
Copy service.
This section describes the features you can select on the [Simple Copy] screen. [Simple
Copy] allows you to use only basic features to easily copy documents. The following shows
the reference section for each feature.
Paper Supply (Selecting the Paper for Copying) ..................................................................... 59
Reduce / Enlarge (Making Enlarged/Reduced Copies) ........................................................... 60
2 Sided Copying (Making 2 Sided Copies).............................................................................. 61
Black & White / Color (Selecting the Color for Copying)...................................................... 62
Lighten/Darken (Adjusting the Copy Density) ....................................................................... 62
2 Pages per Side (Copying Two Pages onto One Sheet)......................................................... 62
Original Orientation (Specifying the Orientation of Loaded Documents) ........................... 63
Select [Simple Copy] on the [Home] screen.
Select a feature on the [Simple Copy] screen.
Paper Supply (Selecting the Paper for Copying)
This feature allows you to select the paper tray for copying.
Select [Paper Supply].