2 Product Overview
Screens and Buttons Displayed
You can register or change the services and buttons displayed on the touch screen. You can
customize the following screens:
Note • The following screens and buttons may have been changed by the system administrator. Use the
machine according to the changes that have been made.
Setting the Initial Screen
You can set the screen displayed after switching the power on or exiting the Power Saver
Setting the Screen Displayed after Auto Clear
You can select [Last Selection Screen] or [Home] for the screen to be displayed after Auto
Assigning Services to the Custom Buttons
You can assign services to the Custom buttons on the control panel: Custom 1 to Custom 3.
By assigning frequently-used services to the Custom buttons, you can switch to the services
without returning to the [Home] screen.
Note • By default, "Copy" is assigned to <Copy>, and "Review" is assigned to <Shortcut 2>. No service is
assigned to <Shortcut 1>.
Customizing the [Home] Screen
You can customize the layout of services and buttons on the [Home] screen that is displayed
when you press the <Home> button on the control panel.