Configuring Machine Settings Using Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool
Item How to Select Overview/Reference
Audit Log Select from [Properties]
tab > [Security]
Allows you to enable the Audit Log feature
that logs the operation on the machine,
and retrieve the audit log.
Machine Digital
Certificate Management
Allows you to create a self-signed certificate
and import a certificate to the machine.
IPSec Refer to "Configuration of Encryption
using IPSec" (P.468).
Certificate Management Displays the certificates registered on the
machine. Also allows you to select, delete,
and export of the certificate.
Certificate Revocation
Retrieval Settings
Refer to "Certificate Revocation Retrieval
Settings" (P.343).
IEEE 802.1x Refer to "IEEE 802.1x Settings" (P.343).
SSL/TLS Settings Refer to "SSL/TLS Settings" (P.340).
S/MIME Settings Refer to "S/MIME Settings" (P.341).
Refer to "PDF/XPS Signature Settings"
Job Status Default Allows you to configure the display/hide
settings for completed and active jobs.
Plug-in Settings Allows you to configure the settings for
Service Representative
Restricted Operation
Allows you to restrict the operation of
service representatives. Prevents the
machine from being altered by someone
impersonating our service representative.
System Administrator
Refer to "System Administrator Settings"
Smart Card Settings Allows you to configure the smart card
settings and backup the settings.
* :XPS stands for XML Paper Specification.