21 Authentication and Accounting Features
When the Authentication feature is disabled, any machine user can use this type of job flow
When the Authentication feature is enabled, any login user can use the job flow sheet.
Only the system administrator, however, can change its settings.
To create administrator shared job flow sheets, you must press the <Log In/Out> button
and operate the machine as the system administrator.
The available operations for job flow sheets vary depending on whether the Authentication
feature is enabled or disabled.
Job Flow Sheet Types
When Authentication
is Disabled
When Authentication
is Enabled
General Shared Job Flow
O O O X X ᄄ
Folder Job Flow Sheet
Personal Job Flow Sheet X X ᄄ O O O
Administrator Shared Job
Flow Sheet
ᄄ ᄄ O ᄄ ᄄ O
O :Available
X :Not available
ᄄ :Available to the System Administrator only
* :Viewing, copying, selecting, and executing job flow sheets
Types of Folders and Overview
The following three types of folders can be used with the machine:
General Shared Folder
This is a folder created by a Local User when the Authentication feature is not enabled.
When the Authentication feature is not enabled, this folder is shared and its settings can be
changed by any user.
When the Authentication feature is enabled, this folder can be operated only by the system
Personal Folder
This is a folder created by a login user when the Authentication feature is enabled.
The login user who created it and the system administrator can use it.
When the Authentication feature is not enabled, this folder can be operated only by the
system administrator.
The methods you can use folders differ depending on whether the Authentication feature is
Administrator Shared Folder
This is a folder created by the system administrator.
When the Authentication feature is not enabled, this folder can be shared by all users. When
the Authentication feature is enabled, this folder can be shared by all login users.
Only the system administrator, however, can change the settings.