Copy Service Settings
Set the default value for [Saturation] of [Image Options] in the [Image Quality] screen.
Background Suppression
Set the default value for [Suppress Background] of [Image Enhancement] in the [Image
Quality] screen.
[Background Suppression] is valid when [Original Type] is set to [Photo & Text], [Text], or
Color Balance - Yellow / Color Balance - Magenta / Color Balance - Cyan /
Color Balance - Black
Set the default density levels for the [Color Balance] in the [Image Quality] screen.
You can set density levels of each color for each of the [Highlights], [Midtones], and
Note • Depending on the density level settings, [Color Balance] in the [Image Quality] screen is set as follows:
- When the density levels of all colors are set to [0, 0, 0], [Color Balance] in the [Image Quality] screen
is set to [Normal].
- When the same value is set to all levels for each color (for example: [0, 0, 0,] or [1, 1, 1]), [Color
Balance] in the [Image Quality] screen is set to [Basic Color].
- When the settings other than the ones described above are applied, [Color Balance] in the [Image
Quality] screen is set to [Advanced Color].
Color Shift
Set the default value for [Color Shift] in the [Image Quality] screen.
2 Sided Copying
Set the default value for [2 Sided Copying] in the [Copy] screen, [Layout Adjustment], and
[Output Format] screens.
Mixed Size Originals
Set the default value for [Mixed Size Originals] in the [Layout Adjustment] screen.
Edge Erase - Top Edge
Set the default value for the amount of edge erased from the original in the top directions in
[Edge Erase] in the [Layout Adjustment] screen. Set the value from 0 to 50 mm in 1 mm
Note • You cannot copy the whole area even if you set [0] to [Edge Erase - Top Edge].
Edge Erase - Bottom Edge
Set the default value for the amount of edge erased from the original in the bottom
directions in [Edge Erase] in the [Layout Adjustment] screen. Set the value from 0 to 50 mm
in 1 mm increments.
Note • You cannot copy the whole area even if you set [0] to [Edge Erase - Bottom Edge].
Edge Erase - Left Edge
Set the default value for the amount of edge erased from the original in the left directions in
[Edge Erase] in the [Layout Adjustment] screen. Set the value from 0 to 50 mm in 1 mm
Note • You cannot copy the whole area even if you set [0] to [Edge Erase - Left Edge].