22 Problem Solving
Unable to scan using an IPv6 address
Symptom Remedy
When the machine is
configured with only a link-
local address, file transfer fails.
Assign a global address to the machine.
When you specify the
Scan data cannot be transferred with SMB if a destination server
computer name on a storage
is specified using the computer name. Use the IPv6 format to
destination server of the Scan
specify the server.
to PC (SMB) service in an IPv6
environment without a DNS
server, scan data cannot be
The machine does not operate
In an IPv6 environment, use a DNS server and specify an e-mail
correctly if the mail address for
address using the FQDN.
the E-mail service is specified
in IPv6 address literal format.
Other problems on IPv6 addresses
Symptom Remedy
Unable to search devices with
IPv6 addresses in UPnP.
In an IPv6 environment, use Function Discovery of Web
Services on Devices (WSD).
In an IPv6 network with no
DNS server installed,
authentication fails if an SMB
authentication server is
specified using the computer
Directly specify the IPv6 address to specify the computer name
of an authentication server.
When the Web Applications
service is used, you cannot
correctly specify the
destination URL using the IPv6
In an IPv6 environment, use a DNS server and specify a remote
service's destination URL using the FQDN.
IPv6 addresses are not correctly
recorded on output job logs.
Use an IPv4 network for correct logging.