15 Tools
Job with Insufficient Credit
The feature is effective for the Copy, Print, and Scan services.
Select the operation of the machine when the amount remaining in the accounting/billing
device becomes insufficient. Select from [Delete Job Immediately] and [Hold Job].
This feature is available for accounting/billing devices other than Card Activated -
Cumulative and Smart Card Reader.
Charge Print Jobs
The feature is effective for the Print service.
Select how the print job performed is charged. Select from [Charge by Card Number] and
[Do not Charge by Card Number].
This feature is available for Card Activated - Cumulative and Card Activated - Subtractive.
Track with Cumulative Device
The feature is effective for the Copy and Print services.
Select the timing that the amount for copy or print job is charged. Select from [Track with
Accounting Device] and [High Speed Printing].
This feature is available for Card Activated - Cumulative.
Scan Ahead for Copy Job
The feature is effective for the Copy service.
Select whether or not to enable the Scan Ahead feature for copy jobs. Select from [Disabled]
and [Enabled].
This feature is available for Card Activated - Cumulative, Card Activated - Subtractive, and
Smart Card Reader.
Note • Some of the products listed above may not be available for this feature depending on the types and