Note • If a certificate linked to an S/MIME certificate in the Address Book is deleted by some reasons such as
hard disk initialization and the deletion of the certificate, the certificate linked to the S/MIME
certificate will be invalid. Even if you re-register the S/MIME certificate, you have to manually link it
• If many certificates are registered on the machine, it may take a long time to link a certificate.
For more information on the certificate, refer to "Encryption and Digital Signature Settings" (P.463).
Transfer Protocol
Set the transfer protocol. You can select either [FTP] or [SMB].
Server Name/IP address
Enter a name or an IP address of a forwarding destination server.
Shared Name (SMB Only)
Enter the shared name set for the SMB folder.
Note • If the "/" mark is used at the top of a shared name, a job flow cannot read the shared name correctly.
Do not use the "/" mark at the top of a shared name.
Save in
Enter the directory for storing files. When SMB is selected, use a UNC format.
• Transferring via FTP
For example: aaa/bbb
When you save files in the bbb directory under the aaa directory in the root directory.
• Transferring via SMB
For example: aaa\bbb
When you save files in the bbb directory under the aaa directory in a specified volume.
User Name
Set the user name when a user name is required to be input by the forwarding destination
When [FTP] is selected for [Transfer Protocol], up to 97 characters are allowed.
When [SMB] is selected for [Transfer Protocol], use one of the following formats:
• For Active Directory:
User name@Domain name (User name: up to 32 characters / Domain name: up to 64
For example: abc@example.com ("abc" is a user name and "example.com" is a domain
• For Windows NT
Domain name\User name (Domain name: up to 64 characters / User name: up to 32
For example: example\abc ("example" is a domain name and "abc" is a user name)
• For workgroups:
Local User (up to 32 characters)
For example: ABC