Selecting the Printing Options
Selecting the Printing Options
You can set the printing options on the [Media Print -Text] or [Media Print - Photos], and
[Advanced Settings] tabs.
By default, pressing the <Shortcut 2> button on the control panel allows you to view a list
of the setting values.
Media Print - Photos
Tab Item Setting Value
Quantity Specify the number of print sets in the range of
1 - 999, using the numeric keypad.
Media Print Photos Output Color Color, Black & White
Paper Supply Trays 1 - 5
Note • When the desired tray is not displayed, select
[More], and select the tray on the displayed
When you select [More] and then [Bypass], you can
set [Paper Size] and [Paper Type].
•Paper Size
Select the paper size to be used from the list:
A4, 8.5 x 11", B5, 100 x 148 mm
•Paper Type
Select the paper type to be used from the list.
2 Sided Printing Off, Long Edge Flip, Short Edge Flip
Output Photo Size • Full Page Print
•5 x 7"
When you select [Output Size] on the screen
displayed after selecting [More], the following sizes
are selectable:
A4, 8.5 x 11", 100 x 148 mm, 3.5 x 5", 5 x 7"
Note • According to the size selected here and the
paper size, only the photos fitting on one sheet
of paper are aligned and printed. If you select [1
Picture per Page], one sheet of paper is used for
one file and printed.
• 3 Pictures per Page (Center)
When you select [Pictures per Page] on the screen
displayed after selecting [More], the following
options are available:
2 Pictures, 3 Pictures (Center), 3 Pictures (Left), 4
Pictures, 6 Pictures, 8 Pictures
Advanced Settings Bitmap Smoothing Off, On
Note • When you select a paper size smaller than the image size, the image is automatically reduced. When
you select a paper size larger than the image size, the image is printed at its original size.
• The features displayed on the [Media Print - Photos] and [Advanced Settings] screens may vary
depending on the combination of the optional components installed on the machine.