22 Problem Solving
E-mail Features Problems
The possible symptoms and remedies for problems when using E-mail Notification Service,
the Print E-mail feature, and the E-mail service as follows:
Symptom Remedy
Cannot receive e-mail (Print E-
Is the e-mail address for the machine configured?
Is [Receive E-mail] set to [Enabled]?
Are settings such as the IP addresses for the SMTP server and
POP3 server (if POP3 is selected as the incoming mail protocol)
configured correctly?
Are the POP3 user name and password entered correctly?
Is [Domain Filtering] set?
Confirm whether your own domain is set to [Allow Domains],
on Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool.
Are the SMTP server and/or POP server operating properly?
Consult your network administrator.
Cannot transmit e-mail (E-
mail Notification Service and
Is the E-mail address for the machine configured?
Is [E-mail Notification Service] set to [Enabled]? (For E-mail
Notification Service)
Is [Send E-mail] set to [Enabled]?
Is the IP address for the SMTP server configured correctly?
Are the settings for notification of transmission configured
correctly? (for E-mail Notification Service)
Confirm the settings on the [Properties] tab of Dell Printer
Configuration Web Tool.
Is the destination address entered correctly?
Is the SMTP server operating properly?
Consult your network administrator.