
In-24 Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019-01
telnet connection, 418
cable. See RS232C
cable length, 414
connecting, 416
installation, 414
specifications, 414
system terminal port, 414
Terminal communications, 414–420
remote access to system, 8-1
Test, 430–437
busy extension, 432
DC voltage, 423
extension number, 430
functional, 430
hunt group, 433
installation checklist, 439
intercept extension, 436
intercept position extension, 431
message waiting, 436
operational, 430
port busy, 433
port ring-no-answer, 434
ring-no-answer, 431
trunk verification, 434, 435
TEST command, 6-5
alarm, 6-5
alarm diagnostics, 6-39
channel 1, 6-42
channel 2, 6-42
echo, 6-5
fax loopback, 6-6
floppy, 6-5, 6-31
integration, 6-6
LAN status, 6-6
line 1, 6-5, 6-35
line 2, 6-5, 6-36
line 4, 6-6, 6-35
line 5, 6-6
network, 6-6
Overture status, 6-6
SNMP manager system, communication with, 6-6
status, 6-43
TEST LAN command
digital networking, 844–848
messages and descriptions, 845
TEST NET command, remote analog networking,
317, 617
TEST SNMP command, 11B-11–11B-12
messages, 11B-11–11B-12
collocated analog networking, 716
MD110 adaptive integration, 1422, 15-8, 16-6
remote analog networking, 239, 317–319, 417,
15–16, 617–620
testing, QSIG integration, 178
Testing procedure
AT&T Definity G3 Adaptive Integration,
AT&T System 75 Adaptive Integration,
AT&T System 85 Adaptive Integration,
Meridian 1 Adaptive Integration, 11-20–11-35
Mitel SX-2000 Adaptive Integration,
ROLM 9751 Adaptive Integration, 8.2-16–8.2-35
ROLM Adaptive Integration, 8.1-15–8.1-36
SL-1 Adaptive Integration, 6-17–6-35
TIME command, 6-18
TLC. See Telemarketing Line Card
touchtone-type telephone, 3-2
Traffic peg count table, 5-6
Traffic pegs, 8-41–8-61
digital networking, 858–861
LAN card, 11-10–11-11
remote analog networking, 242, 322, 425, 21,
Traffic report, remote analog networking, 244
digital networking, 849–865
CMD PING command, 6-28
DCSTAT command, 6-28
FINDMBOX command, 6-26, 850
installation problems, 864
LAN network problems, 864
LANSTAT command, 6-25
LCSTAT command, 852
LIST NET DOMAIN command, 849
LOG command and Call Processing Trace, 855
message delivery problems, 863
NAMESEND command, 815
NAMESTAT command, 852
numbering plan problems, 864
real-time name problems, 864
summary of diagnostic commands, 861–863
traffic pegs, 858–861
DTIC, 10-9–10-19
LAN card
CMD PING command, 11-7
LANSTAT command, 11-8
traffic pegs, 11-10–11-11
remote analog networking
dropped calls, 324
network message failures, 243–244,
325–326, 425