
In-18 Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019-01
Option control chip, 2-15, 12-2
replacement, 9-61–9-62
Outcalling. See Message waiting notification
Overlapping mailbox addresses and network prefixes,
Overtemperature protection, 2-13
Overture 200
figures, 2-24
Motherboard, 2-14
Overture 300
figures, 2-29
Motherboard, 2-14
rack mounting, 455–457
Pass/fail, installation checklist, 440
Password, default, 6-14
PASSWORD command, 6-14
Patch, command, 6-15
PBX database changes. See Preparing the Phone
PBX integration
See also Adaptive Integration; AT&T System 75
Adaptive Integration; AT&T System 85
Adaptive Integration; Centrex Adaptive
Integration; Enhanced DTMF Inband
Integration; ITT 3100 Adaptive Integration;
Meridian 1 Adaptive Integration; Mitel
SX100/SX200Analog Adaptive Integration ;
Mitel SX2000Adaptive Integration;
NEAX2400Adaptive Integration; NPIC;
ROLM Adaptive Integration; SL1Adaptive
Adaptive Integration, 1-1, 2-1–2-11
enhanced DTMF in-band, 2-3
Overture 200/300 proprietary card, 2-5
RS-232C data link, 2-4
standard DTMF, 1-1, 1-2
System 85/APIC. See AT&T System 75 Adaptive
PBX preparation, installation checklist, 439
PCA. See Line interface card; Printed circuit
Phantom number, 3-9
Phone system
changes, 3-5, 3-8–3-11
InWATS service, 3-6
trunk hunting group, 3-6
trunking, 3-6
how the Overture 200/300 works with, 3-1–3-4
InWATS service, 3-6
ports, 3-8
preparing, 3-1–3-13
service provider letter, sample, 3-11
survey, 3-5
without DIL feature, 3-12
AT&T, 2-8
Northern Telecom Meridian 1 and SL1, 2-9
Pin assignments, 441–454
APIC, 450
AT&T integration card, 448
DAC I/O panel EP EXT connector, 453
DAC I/O panel power connector, 453
Digital Trunk Interface Card (DTIC), 446
Direct Access Card, 452
DLC16, 444
external alarm port J5, 454
ILC12, 445
international line interface card, 445
line interface card, 442, 443
Mitel integration card, 442
Northern Telecom SL-1 integration card, 447
NPIC, 444
ROLM integration card, 442
Serial Integration Card (SIC8), Merdian 1, 449
SIC8 I/O, 451
telemarketing line card, 443
collocated analog networking, 71–72
digital networking, 822–825
remote analog networking, 25–244, 33–326,
42–425, 2–22, 62–631
busy test, 433
configuration status, 6-30
configuring, 3-8
extension, 3-8
LIST command, 6-30
PRTMAP command, 6-30
ring-no-answer test, 434
statistics report, 5-29–5-32
status command, 6-17
status diagnostic test, 6-37
Port extension, test, 430
Port INFORMATION Table, 1-16
Ports, capacity on demand, list feature screen, 6-44
Power Fail, 2-12
Power failure, 1-9, 2-2
Power filter assembly, replacement, 9-31–9-43
Power line filter, Overture 300, 2-4
Power requirements, 44, 48