9-2 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
Power Supply Output
The AC and DC wiring is prewired to connectors that are automatically engaged when the power supply
is installed. There are no power-supply adjustments. You can check voltages by using a digital volt meter.
Using the digital volt meter, you can measure the system DC voltages at the voltage test points on the
front edge of the CPU. Refer to the Installation chapter, Octel 200/300 Hardware Installation section in
this volume.
Preventive Maintenance Tools and Equipment
The tools and equipment required to perform preventive maintenance on the Octel 200/300 are:
- Key to front door
- Antistatic wrist strap
- Digital volt/ohm meter
- Three standard, touch-tone telephones
- Telephone test set (butt set)
- Large, flat-blade screwdriver
- 11/32 nut driver
- No. 1 Phillips screwdriver
- 5/16 hex socket driver
- IC puller
- Breakout box
- Digit grabber
- Flashlight
- RS-232C-compatible ASCII send/receive
termi nal capable of 300, 1200, or 9600 baud.
(Refer to the Installation chapter, Terminal
Communications section, in this manual.)
Octel 200 Diagrams
Use the following Octel 200 diagrams to provide assistance when performing preventive maintenance or
replacing components. Figure 9-1 through Figure 9-4 shows the Octel 200 shelf structure, front, and rear