
In-20 Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019-01
Range numbering, mailbox, 1-6
Real-time name problems, digital networking, 864
Receiving the equipment, 41–43
installation checklist, 438
Redundancy for network messages, 24
networking, 810
Reinstallation, 1-4
Remote analog networking, 21–244, 31–326,
41–425, 61–631
See also AMIS analog networking; OctelNet;
AMIS, 21
message length, 3
system number, 2
completing configuration forms, 227, 37, 46, 4,
configuration, 227–244, 37–326, 46–425,
4–22, 64–631
COS attributes, 237–240, 316–317,
416–418, 14–20, 616–621
DATA to DTMF translations, 424, 20, 624
diagnostic tools, 240, 320, 418, 621
example, 219
gateway, 21, 41, 1
Protocols 2, 4, and 5, 44–46
interrelationships of tables, 226
LIST HE command, 241, 321, 418
LIST NET command, 240, 320, 418, 621
LIST NF command, 241, 420, 17
location code, 26
LOCATION Table, 231, 311–313, 410–412,
8–10, 610–612, 112–1116
LOCATION Table form
sample for Protocol 2, 411
sample for Protocol 4, 9
sample for Protocol 5, 611
sample for Protocols 1 and 3, 312
locations with different length mailboxes, 28
maintenance and troubleshooting, 240–243,
320–326, 418–425, 17–22, 621–631
messaging flow, 222–240
multiple network outcalls, 23
NameNet for OctelNet, 98–99
network error reasons, Protocol 2, 424
network error types and remedies
Protocol 4, 18
Protocol 5, 623
Network Failure Table, 242, 420, 17, 623
network traffic report, 617
numbering plan, 26–211
NUMBERING PLAN Table, 122–128
NUMBERING PLAN Table form, 314–315,
11–12, 613–614
sample, 234, 315, 414, 12, 614
OctelNet, 22
alphabetic (ASCII) name, 98–99
COS attributes, for OctelNet system mailbox, 65
fax feature, 63
troubleshooting, 628
operation, 219–226
planning, 25–244, 33–326, 42–425, 2–22,
all protocols, 25–244, 33–326, 42–425,
2–22, 62–631
for off-network extensions, 216
Protocol 2 (with VMX 5000/1000), 41
Protocol 4 (AMIS), 2
Protocol 5 (OctelNet), 62
Protocol 2 (with VMX 5000/1000)
mailbox ID, 43
message length, 44
Network Deferred mailbox, 43
Network Priority mailbox, 43
remote node ID, 44
Protocol 4 (AMIS)
message length, 3
system number, 2
Protocol 5 (OctelNet)
fax feature, 63
message length, 63
serial number, 62
system mailbox, COS attributes, 65
protocols, 23
ROUTE Table, 102
ROUTE Table form, 228–230, 39–310,
48–49, 6–7, 68–69
sample, 230, 310, 49, 7, 69
routing plan, 212
summary information form, 37, 46, 4, 66
Protocol 2, 47
Protocol 4, 5
Protocol 5, 67
Protocols 1 and 3, 38
system parameters, all protocols, 236–237, 316,
415–416, 13, 615–616
TEST NET, messages and descriptions, 318, 619
TEST NET command, 317, 617
testing, 239, 317–319, 417, 15–16, 617–620
Protocols 1, 3, and 5, 317–320
traffic pegs, 242–243, 322–323, 425, 21–22,
traffic report, 244
troubleshooting dropped calls, 324
troubleshooting network message failures, 243,
325, 425
verification diagnostic, TEST NET command,
317, 617
Voicenet, 21, 31, 41