System Errors and Traffic Pegs 8-39
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019−01
Table 8-2 Hardware Error Types and Remedies (continued)
Error Type:Name PriorityRemedySource
79. Network Message
Transmission is
Message server
determined a network
message failed to be
sent when either a
remote connection
was established but
the protocol between
the two servers did not
complete correctly, or
an internal problem
results in failure to
service network
Contact your technical support center.
DATA-2= Network location
DATA-3= Message header number
DATA-11= Network transmission stuck
for all locations
DATA-2= Number of minutes stuck
80. Message in
Network Delivery
Queue is Over 25
Hours Old
If a message is in a
network queue longer
than 25 hours, the
message server logs
this error. The error is
logged once when the
25−hour mark is
detected, and again at
each subsequent
midnight until the
problem is cleared.
The hardware table
shows an 8-bit value
for each of four data
fields (Data1 −
Data4). The “hi word”
is the first four bits,
the “low word” is the
last 4 bits.
Contact your technical support center.
DATA-1= Network location
DATA-2= Message header number
DATA-3= Age of message (in minutes)
DATA-4−= Hi word Number of net
mailbox containing message
DATA-4−= Lo word Number of messages
greater than 25 hours old
88 Hardware error Special error
internally used by
Contact Technical Support. 2
89 Hardware error Special error
internally used by
Contact Technical Support. 2