3-10 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
Table 3-1 PBX Features to Direct Trunks to the Octel 200/300
PBX Manufacturer and Model
Name of Feature
All but Horizon and AT&T System 25 DDC (Direct Department Calling)
Horizon and AT&T System 25 DGC (Direct Group Calling)
FUJITSU/American Telecom Focus QUASI-DID
Ordering Phone System Changes
If your company is not the PBX provider, order changes from the PBX vendor on behalf of the customer.
Provide a Service Provider Letter (Figure 3-6) to the PBX vendor indicating the changes needed to the
PBX for the Octel 200/300, and schedule the changes. If possible, try to use that PBX’s terminology
when requesting these changes. You may also want to provide them with information from the
appropriate section of Volume V and the appropriate Configuration Note. Review the previous sections of
this chapter for information to fill in the blanks. Read over the letter and in particular, the footnotes.
Depending upon the application, portions of the letter may need to be expanded upon or deleted.