12-56 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
Hard Disk Replace
Use these procedures to replace a hard disk drive on a message server configured with multiple drives.
. When doing the Hard Disk Replace procedures, make sure that the disks being used are for the correct release
. The Hard Disk Replace procedure does NOT copy information or messages to the replacement drive. If
information and/or messages need to be copied, please use the Hard Disk Copy procedure in this chapter.
Octel 200/300 Description and Response
Hard disks may be hot plugged.
The following screen appears.
Prepare the System
1. Forward ports.
2. Remove the hard disk(s)
to be replaced.
Boot the System
3. Make sure the software disk #1
(for the correct release level) is
4. Insert software disk #1 (for the
correct release level) into the
5. Adju st the b aud rate o f the
terminal/telepr inter . Refer to
Chap ter 4 , I ns tallation; T er minal
Communications section.
6. Press the Reload button to boot
from floppy disk.
7. Insert Code Floppy #2 when
prompted, press