Log Commands 7-33
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019−01
Display Filters
You can use seven filters to specifically define the type of information that displays in the CDR log.
Multiple filters can be used in a command line, but each filter can appear only once. However, if only the
first letter or two of the transaction type or status value is entered, all transaction types or status values
beginning with the letter entered are filtered. If no filter is specified, all information is displayed. The
filters are as follows:
- Transaction Type, XA [XACTIN]
Enter the transaction type to be displayed. In the command string, type XA [type]. For example,
type XA NTMSGD for network messages send day, or XA NT for all network transactions.
- Status, ST [STAT]
Enter the type of status information to be displayed. In the command string, type ST [status].
For example, enter ST FLLQ for failed line quality test or ST FL for all network failure conditions.
- Port, PR [PRT]
To display a specific port, enter that port number in the command string. The designation of a single
port number must consist of three digits (for example, 005 for Port 5). For ports numbered above
nine, precede the two-digit port number by a single 0 (for example, 023). For ports numbered above
nine, a range of ten ports can be specified by entering the 0 plus one significant number for the
beginning of the range. For example, type PR 03 to display ports 30–39.
To display the COS of the incoming port/trunk group for an integrated call. The designation of a
single COS must consist of three digits. For COS 1 through 9, the COS should be preceded by 00 (for
example, 001). For COS 10 through 99, the COS should be preceded by 0 (for example, 037). For
COS 10 through 99, a range of ten COSs can be specified by entering the 0 plus one significant
number for the beginning of the range. For example, enter CO 09 to display COS 90 through 99. To
display COS 100 through 199, enter 1.
- Mailbox, MA [MBX]
To display specific or partially specified mailbox number prefixes. For example, to display all
mailboxes that start with 43, enter MA 43.
- Messages Sent, MS [MS]
To define the number of messages sent during a transaction. For example, if abandoned calls for a
specific transaction type should be displayed, specify MS 00. All calls with 0 messages left would
be displayed.
- Messages Erased, ME [ME]
Use this filter to define the number of messages erased.
Multiple Display Filters
All records contain information about transaction type, status, port and duration. Additional information
is logged for specific transaction types. The settings included in this information are defined at the
beginning of this section. Table 7-4 is a matrix of which settings apply to which transaction types.
Examples of Using Multiple Display Filters
The following example shows the use of two filters:
- XA CAL, all transaction types starting with CAL
- PR 009, a specific port