
7-22 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB6001901
Table 7-2 Transaction Type Descriptions
ALOUTC Alarm outcall
APIN ACP call in (Works for Serenade).
APOUTC ACP outcall (Works for Serenade).
CALATT Call to assistance (0) dialed.
CALATD Call to assistance (0) default.
CALDID DID call to mailbox through DID module.
CALEXT For the VMX 5000 User Interface, 001 is used to transfer to a local extension. Extension digits are
included, as are auto attendant calls when no mailbox is defined.
CALHLP VMX 5000 User Interface only. 000 transfers to a help mailbox. The help mailbox is included.
CALIMM Immediate call to mailbox.
CALINT Integrated call to mailbox (includes all calls received with call record).
CALMBX Call to a mailbox.
CALNXT Call to a Next Mailbox.
CALPA Call to Personal Assistance dialed.
CALPAD Call to Personal Assistance default.
CALSDM Call to a Single Digit Menu mailbox.
COSOVR Port/Trunk COS override. The new trunk COS is shown.
FAXQCK Quick fax. For each quick fax sent, there is a FAXRCV transaction type.
FAXDLV Fax delivery attempt. For each fax delivery, there is a FAXSND transaction type.
FAXSND Fax channel: send.
FAXRCV Fax channel: receive.
FAXEDT Fax channel: edit (Works for Serenade).
LOGON Mailbox logon.
LPOUTC Lamp message waiting outcall (only if DTMF digits are used to control lamps).
MODEM Modem connect.
MWOUTC Message waiting outcall.
OFOUTC Off-site message waiting outcall.
NTOUTC Network outcall attempt.
NTMSGD Network message: sent day.
NTMSGN Network message: sent night.
NTMSGR Network message: received.
NTIN Network call in.
NTCHEK Network check function. Checking if a network message was listened to. This does not stop the
mailbox logon activity. The logon record continues, after the network check is completed.
QCKMSG Quick message.
QCKINT Forced forward, record call-in-progress. Applicable only to selected Enhanced In-band Integration,
this functionality is PBX-dependent.
TELNET Telnet connect.