System Errors and Traffic Pegs 8-19
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019−01
Table 8-2 Hardware Error Types and Remedies (continued)
Error Type:Name PriorityRemedySource
34. Power-ON
Diagnostic Error
Selftest for CPU.
DATA-1 through
DATA-4 designate
errors found.
Replace CPU. For OCC error, replace
Bit 7: 5 volts clean out of range
Bit 6: VCC out of range
Bit 5: A to D converter error
Bit 4: PIT1 error
Bit 3: Parity error
Bit 2: DRAM data error
Bit 1: Boot ROM checksum failure
Bit 0: Fatal CPU error
Bit 7: DMA page register error
Bit 6: Unexpected interrupt
Bit 5: PIT2 (8254) timing error
Bit 4: Temperature out of range
Bit 3: -12 volts clean out of range
Bit 2: -5 volts clean out of range
Bit 1: 12 volts motor out of range
Bit 0: 12 volts clean out of range
Bit 7: TDM crosspoint error
Bit 6: Modem failure
Bit 5: COM port failure
Bit 4: Watch Dog Timer failure
Bit 3: OCC error
Bit 2: Floppy Disk Controller error
Bit 1: Real Time Clock error
Bit 0: DMAC error
Bit 3: CODEC failure
Bit 2: BIC error
Bit 1: VCU error
Bit 0: Control Bus error