16 MHD56037 - Edition 5
Overload Device
An overload device is available on winches with the emergency
shutoff option. Overload device operation is based on differential
pressure between air motor inlet and exhaust. The overload
device is factory preset to actuate at 150% (± 25%) of winch rated
capacity. When an overload condition is sensed, the valve poppet
closes, to cut off supply air to winch, stopping winch operation. If
an overload shutoff occurs, winch load must be reduced. Reset the
overload valve and operate winch in payout direction to lower
load. Refer to ‘Emergency Stop Reset’ section.
Checking Overload Valve Setting
1. Attach load line to a load that is calibrated to maximum load
for which winch is rated.
2. Move control lever to haul-in position. If winch does not lift
load, adjust the adjustment screw. Refer to ‘Overload Valve
Adjustment’ section
“Overload Valve Adjustment (optional
feature)” on page 26.
Setting the Overload
Refer to MHP2049 on page 16 and MHP2216 on page 27.
Attach load line to a load that is calibrated to 150% of winch rated
capacity. Shift control lever to haul-in position.
1. If overload valve activates, reset overload valve. Winch is
ready for normal operation.
2. If winch lifts load, lower load. Turn adjustment screw
counterclockwise in 1/4 turn increments until overload valve
activates when control lever is shifted to haul-in position.
After each 1/4 turn, retest winch.
Overload Valve Reset
(Dwg. MHP2049)
Emergency Stop (optional feature)
Refer to Dwgs. MHP1485, MHP0754 on page 16 and MHP1892
on page 17.
The emergency stop device is located at air inlet of winch on local
control models, and on pendant on remote control models. When
activated, winch drum rotation will immediately cease.
1. To start winch operation depress the ‘ON’ button.
2. To operate winch, depress appropriate ‘Haul-in’ or ‘Payout’
3. In event of an emergency all winch operation can be stopped
by pushing the emergency stop button. This will prevent air
from reaching winch motor, engage winch automatic
brake(s) and stop winch haul-in or payout movement.
4. If depressed, the ‘OFF’ button will also stop winch
5. To reset Emergency Stop Valve:
a. Locate serrated ring directly below emergency stop
button. Rotating serrated ring clockwise, will cause
emergency stop button to ‘pop up’.
b. Depress emergency stop valve ‘ON’ button.
Emergency Stop Operation (old style)
(Dwg. MHP1485)
Local Control Emergency Stop Valve Operation
(Dwg. MHP0754)