1.2 Function Outlines
1.2.9 Compile
The compile functions are for compiling a source program. The following compilers
can be selected:
• fcc911s (compiler for the FR Family)
• fcc907s (compiler for the F
MC-16 Family)
• fcc896s (compiler for the F
MC-8L Family)
• ANCI (ANSI compiler)
These functions enable the user to translate and verify a source program in which the
lines with a problem found by a check have been corrected. To use the Compile
functions, either compiler must be installed.
■ File to be compiled
Select the file to be compiled. The following files can be selected.
A file can also be selected using the Compile button in the check tool bar.
• File being edited
• File selected in a project
• All files in a project
■ Select the compiler
Select the compiler used with the C Checker.
The following compilers can be selected:
• fcc911s (compiler for the FR Family)
• fcc907s (compiler for the F
MC-16 Family)
• fcc896s (compiler for the F
MC-8L Family)
• ANSI (ANSI compiler)