CHAPTER 10 Compile
10.2.1 Detailed options for the fcc911s preprocessor
Set up the detailed compiler options related to the preprocessor of the fcc911s
compiler. There are two dialog boxes, one for setting up include paths and the other for
setting macro definitions. Set up the necessary options in both dialog boxes.
■ Dialog box for setting up the detailed options (include paths) related to the preprocessor
Choose [Preprocessor] command from the [Compile option] dialog box, the [Preprocessor]
dialog box is displayed. Figure 10.2-b shows the dialog box for setting up Include Path when
select [Include path] tab which exists in the [Preprocessor] dialog box.
Figure 10.2-b Dialog box for setting up include paths
The dialog box for setting up include paths provides the following:
❍ Include path name field
Enter the include path used during compilation.
❍ Include path list
Displays the registered include paths.
The registered include paths are passed to the preprocessor, starting from the uppermost