74 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
The Command Line Interface (CLI)
5. Add the NETMASK1 variable and set it to the appropriate netmask for STATICIP1 for your
6. Add the NETMASK2 variable and set it to the appropriate netmask for STATICIP2 for your
network. The NETMASK2 variable needs to be correct to allow for true redundant operation.
7. Add the GATEWAY1 variable and set it to the appropriate value for the gateway for
8. Add the GATEWAY2 variable and set it to the appropriate value for the gateway for
9. To activate the changes, at the user prompt (from the root “/” directory), type:
/etc/rc.d/network reload
Note: The eth1:1 address should only be changed on the active CMM. The new address will be
synchronized to the standby CMM automatically when the /etc/rc.d/network reload command is
executed. Also, the eth1:1 should be changed with the procedure above and NOT by using the
ifconfig command manually. This method will cause the eth1:1 information to not be synchronized
to the standby. Setting eth0 to DHCP
1. Using the vi editor, change the BOOTPROTO variable in the /etc/ifcfg-eth0 file to dhcp.
Note: Linux is case sensitive, so ensure that the BOOTPROTO value is entered in lower case letters in
the step above.
2. To activate the changes, the user can reboot the CMM, or at the user prompt (from the root “/”
directory) on the active CMM, type:
/etc/rc.d/network reload
Note: A DHCP server must be present on the network for the CMM to get a valid IP address. The
network reload command will refresh the IP addresses on both network interfaces. Setting eth1 to DHCP
1. Using the vi editor, change the BOOTPROTO variable in the /etc/ifcfg-eth1 file to dhcp.
2. eth1:1 will still use a static IP address in this configuration. Set the STATICIP2 variable to the
IP address you want to assign to the active CMM on the network. This value should ONLY be
set on the active CMM, as it will be synchronized to and overwritten on the standby CMM.
3. Add the NETMASK1 variable and set it to the appropriate netmask for STATICIP1 for your
Table 19. SETIP Interface Assignments when BOOTPROTO=”static”
Interface SETIP=1 SETIP=2 SETIP=Both Other
eth1:1 disabled disabled STATICIP2 disabled