MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 243
FRU Update Configuration File
27.9.8 YES
The YES command requires that a PROMPT or NO command directly precedes it. It defines what
tag is to be set when the user answers yes to the previous PROMPT. If preceded by a NO
command, that NO command must be preceded by a PROMPT command.
PROMPT “Is there a fan plugged into fan header #3?”
YES “Fan3”
NO “NO_Fan3”
27.9.9 NO
The NO command requires that a PROMPT or YES command directly precedes it. It defines what
tag is to be set when the user answers no to the previous PROMPT. If preceded by a YES
command, that YES command must be preceded by a PROMPT command.
PROMPT “Is there a fan plugged into fan header #3?”
NO “NO_Fan3”
YES “Fan3”
27.10 Command Quick Reference
The following table gives a brief overview of the commands and their expected inputs, the probe
commands are found in the next table.
Table 108. Command Quick Reference (Sheet 1 of 3)
Commands and Arguments Description
Comment – indicates that all text following this command, up to the new line character, should
be ignored.
CFGNAME References a configuration file at this point during the read, process, and execution tasks.
ASCII String Name of the CFG file to reference.
CLEAR Clears the tag from the master tag list when the command is processed.
ASCII String Tag string to clear from the master tag list.
Descriptive name for the configuration file, this message is displayed to the user when the
command is processed.
ASCII String Description of the file’s purpose - will be displayed to the user.
ASCII String Target platform - will be displayed to the user. (Optional)
ASCII String Version information - will be displayed to the user. (Optional)
DISPLAY Displays text to the user when processing the file.
ASCII String Text to display to the user.