MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 225
FRU Update Utility
26.10 Updating the FRU
The “update” (u) switch is used to update a FRU. This argument requires a configuration file to be
specified. The update will then be performed according to the contents of the configuration file.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./fruUpdate /u ChassisFruUpdate.cfg
“FRU Update Configuration File” on page 227 describes the format of the configuration file and
how to update FRU information using the configuration file.
26.11 Getting the Inventory
The ‘inventory’ command displays the versions of the FRUs for the selected target update file. The
user must also specify a configuration file with the ‘update’ switch. The inventory will list the
versions of the FRUs that will be updated as if the update would actually occur.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./fruUpdate /i /u ChassisFruUpdate.cfg
26.12 Viewing the Contents of the FRU
The contents of a FRU can be viewed with the ‘view’ option. The user must specify a location to
view using the ‘location’ switch, unless viewing a file. If the user wishes to view the contents of a
file, the file name must follow the ‘view’ switch. The input file can be either an ASCII FRU file or
a binary FRU image. The utility will detect automatically which is being viewed.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./fruUpdate /v /l chassis
26.13 Getting the Contents of the FRU
The contents of a FRU can be written to a binary file image with the ‘get’ option. The file name to
write the contents to must be specified. The user must also specify a location to get using the
‘location’ switch. The contents of the FRU are validated as they are read.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./fruUpdate /g Board10.FRU /l blade10
26.14 Dumping the Contents of the FRU
The contents of a FRU can be written to a binary file image with the ‘dump’ commandl. The file
name to write the contents to must be specified. Optionally the number of bytes to write from the
FRU can also be specified. If the number of bytes to write is 0, the utility will attempt to determine