MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 151
Table 65. CmmFruTable/cmmFruEntry (
OID Object Syntax Access Value
1 cmmFruNumber INTEGER none index
3 cmmFruHotSwapState DisplayString read-only
Retrieve the hot swap state of the FRU
from the CMM’s internally known hot
swap states. Returns M state number
4 cmmFruLedProperties DisplayString read-only Find out what LEDs the FRU supports.
5 cmmFruPowerLevels DisplayString read-only
Returns the power levels available for a
FRU and number of watts drawn by
6 cmmFruPresentPowerLevel DisplayString read-write Get/Set the power level of an entity.
7 cmmFRUActivation INTEGER read-write
Get/Set the activation state to either
activate or deactivate the FRU. The
Deactivate is the same as a Graceful
8 cmmFRUActivationPolicy INTEGER read-write
Get/Set the locked bit of the activation
9 cmmFRUControl INTEGER write-only
"0" – Cold reset
"1" – Warm reset
"2" – Graceful reboot
"3" – Issue diag. Interrupt
10 cmmFRUDeactivationPolicy INTEGER read-only
Get /Set the locked bit of the
deactivation policy.
Table 66. CmmFruTargetTable (
OID Object Syntax Access Value
1 cmmFruNumber INTEGER none index 1
2 cmmFruTarget DisplayString none index 2
3 cmmFruLedColorProps DisplayString read-only
Finds out what colors are supported by
the LED.
4 cmmFruLedState DisplayString read-write Get/Set the FRU LED state.
Table 67. CmmPmsTable/cmmPmsEntry ( (Sheet 1 of 2)
OID Object Syntax Access Value
1 cmmPmsTarget INTEGER none index
2 cmmPmsAdminState DisplayString read-write
The process administrative state defines if
monitoring of the process will be provided.
Possible values: 1-Unlocked, 2-Locked.
3 cmmPmsRecoveryAction DisplayString read-write
The process recovery action defines how a
faulty process will be recovered. Possible
values: 1-No Action, 2-Process Restart, 3-
Failover and Process Restart, 4 - Failover
and Reboot.