124 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Front Panel LEDs
12.1.2 Health LED
Each CMM maintains a single health LED (®) to provide the status of the CMM.
12.1.3 Hot Swap LED
Each CMM maintains a single blue hot swap LED (ÝÜ) to provide the status of the CMM itself.
The hotswap LED cannot have its state set or changed and is readable only.
12.1.4 User Definable LEDs
Each CMM provides four LEDs (A, B, C, D on the front panel and userled [1, 2, 3, 4] in the CLI,
respectively) that can be controlled via the CMM. Each LED can be off, green, yellow, or red.
During the boot process the user LEDs sequentially blink off to indicate boot progress. The user
LEDs will be off by the time the CMM software is fully loaded. Once the CMM is up, the
administrator can control the LED through standard interfaces or via programmatic control.
12.2 Retrieving a Location’s LED properties
The properties for a location’s LED control status and the number of User LEDs a location
supports can be retrieved using the command:
cmmget -l [location] -d ledproperties
12.3 Retrieving Color Properties of LEDs
The valid colors that an LED supports and the default color properties for that LED can be
retrieved using the command:
cmmget -l [location] -t [LED] -d ledcolorprops
Table 52. CMM Health LED States
Color Description
Off No power to CMM
Solid Green Normal operation, power okay
Blinking Green CMM in standby mode
Solid Red Attention status (CMM is unhealthy due to critical power error)
Table 53. CMM Hot Swap LED States
Color Description
Off In use
Long Blink Searching for CMM (900ms on, 100ms off)
Solid Blue Ready to remove
Short Blink Preparing for extraction (100ms on, 900ms off)