134 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Fan Control and Monitoring
N: The number of the fan tray being addressed.
These values will take effect immediately after they are entered. That means that if fantrayN’s
current temperature status is normal and the user sets the normallevel the current cooling level will
change immediately.
There are the limits on the possible cooling level values for the temperature statuses. The major
status and the critical status are both always set to the maximum cooling level and are not
configurable. In addition the following rule is always enforced.
Minimum cooling level <= normallevel <= minorlevel <= majorlevel = criticallevel = maximum
cooling level
16.6 Control Modes for Fan Trays
There are three modes of control that a fantray may operate at: CMM, FanTray or Emergency
Shutdown. The fantray can only run at one control mode at a time. The control mode that the
fantray is running at is its current control mode. The user has the ability to change the current
control mode of each fantray in the shelf.
16.6.1 CMM Control Mode
The CMM Control Mode is the mode in which the CMM has complete control over the fantray’s
current cooling level. The user has the ability to configure how the Cooling Manager manages each
fantray by changing the values in the cooling table. In the CMM Control Mode the cooling
manager uses the cooling table to determine which cooling level to use for the current temperature
status. The user will be able to change to this mode with the following command:
cmmset –l fantrayN -d control –v cmm
N: The number of the fan tray being addressed.
16.6.2 Fantray Control Mode
The ATCA Specification defines a mode called local control where the fantray determines its own
cooling level. This control mode is optional. Not all fan trays will support local control.
To change to this local control mode, the control mode on the CMM is changed to “fantray
While a fantray is in “fantray control” any changes the user makes to the cooling table will not take
effect immediately. They will be saved and take effect if the fantray’s current mode becomes the
CMM Control Mode.
The user may change to this mode with using the following command:
cmmset –l fantrayN -d control –v fantray
Note: The control mode can only be fantray mode if there are no temperature events in the chassis.
16.6.3 Emergency Shutdown Control Mode
The Emergency Shutdown Control Mode causes the fantray to stop cooling the system. A fantray
will stay in this mode until the user changes the current control mode to one of the other two