170 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
CMM Scripting
scripts/frucontrol file to do the proper activation or deactivation at some later point. The option for
this script is useful for having a separate entity or system manager to be in charge of activating and
deactivating FRUs instead of the CMM.
Note: The activation and deactivation of the CMM itself is not controlled by the frucontrol script.
18.5.1 Command line arguments
When the CMM invokes the frucontrol script, it passes the following arguments:
frucontrol <IPMB Address> <FRU ID> <Previous State> <Current State>
IPMB Address: A valid IPMB address which identifies one of the FRUs on the chassis. The value
passed in is in hex, but the '0x' is stripped off. For example, if the IPMB address of a blade is
"0x8C", then the argument passed in would be "8c" and not "0x8c". The case of letters is small.
FRU ID: FRU id of any device fronted by the location identified by the IPMB address. Typically
the value passed is "0", but it could be "1", "2", "3 "etc.
Previous State: One of the valid M states. A value of "1" through "7" is used to represent states
M1 through M7 respectively.
<Current State>: Same as <Previous State>
18.5.2 Sample frucontrol file
# Copyright (c) 2004-2005, Intel Corporation.
# This script is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in
# accordance with the terms of that license. No license, express or
# by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted
# this document. The Software is subject to change without notice, and
# not be construed as a commitment by Intel Corporation to market,
# sell or support any product or technology. Unless otherwise provided for
# the license under which this Software is provided, the Software is
# AS IS, with no warranties of any kind, express or implied. Except as
# expressly permitted by the Software license, neither Intel Corporation