MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification 127
Node Power Control
Node Power Control 13
The CMM controls power to the nodes of a chassis. The CMM can power up, power down, and
reset a board in a particular slot and can be used to query the operational state of a board at any
time. The CMM also manages the overall power budget of the shelf as well as power budget of
each power feed.
The active CMM is responsible for power management when there are two CMMs operating in a
redundant mode. Critical power management data is kept in sync at all times between the active
and standby CMM.
13.1 Node Operational State Management
The CMM manages FRU insertions, extractions, and the operational states and state transitions of
the nodes in a shelf based on Section 3.2.4 of the PICMG 3.0 Specification.
13.2 Obtaining the Power State of a Board
The CMM can obtain the power state information of a board at any time by issuing the following
cmmget -l bladeN -d powerstate
Where N is the number of the physical slot number in which the blade you are querying resides.
This command will give information on whether the blade is present, the power state, and the board
13.3 Controlling the Power State of a Board
The CMM can power off a board, power on a board, or reset the board.
13.3.1 Powering Off a Board
The following command will power off a board:
cmmset -l bladeN -d powerstate -v poweroff
N is the physical slot number where the blade to be powered down resides. Once issued, the
command will ask for confirmation by entering “y” before continuing.
13.3.2 Powering On a Board
The following command will power on a board:
cmmset -l bladeN -d powerstate -v poweron
N is the number of the physical slot the blade to be reset resides in.