
136 MPCMM0001 Chassis Management Module Software Technical Product Specification
Fan Control and Monitoring
16.8 Fantray Properties
There are also commands to retrieve the fantray’s settings. These properties are maximum cooling
level, minimum cooling level and recommended cooling level. The cooling manager gets the fan
speed properties by performing an IPMI get fantray properties call on the fantray. This method is
defined by the PICMG 3.0 specification. The user can use these values to determine how he
configures the temperature statuses.
To return the minimum cooling level that the fantray supports:
Cmmget –l fantrayN -d minimumsetting
To return the maximum cooling level that the fantray supports:
Cmmget –l fantrayN -d maximumsetting
To return the fantray’s recommended cooling level.
Cmmget –l fantrayN -d recommendedsetting
N: The number of the fan tray being addressed.
Note: Values returned are in units. These are not necessarily percentages, which have been used in
versions of firmware prior to 5.2. For further information please refer to the PICMG 3.0
16.9 Retrieving the Current Cooling Level
There is a command to allow the user to get the current cooling level. This command is:
cmmget –l fantrayN –d currentfanlevel
N: The number of the fan tray being addressed.
This command will query fantrayN and return to the user it’s current cooling level. If the fantray is
in fantray control mode the cooling level selected by the fantray will be returned. If the fantray is in
emergencyshutdown mode “0” will be returned.
16.10 Fantray Insertion
When a new fantray is installed in the shelf the Cooling Manager on the active CMM will be
notified that a fantray was inserted. When the Cooling manager on the active CMM is notified of
this condition it needs to determine the fantray’s control mode and it needs to populate the cooling
This situation also occurs when the chassis is power-cycled. In this case the each fantray in the
chassis will notify the active CMM’s Cooling Manager that it has been inserted. The Cooling
Manager will then read that /etc/cmm/fantray.cfg file and determine appropriate values using the
following conventions.