DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch
Hops Count (1-32)
This field allows an entry between 1 and 32 to define the maximum number of router
hops DHCPv6 messages can be forwarded across. The default hop count is 4.
Click Apply to implement the changes.
DHCPv6 Relay Interface Settings
This window displays the current DHCPv6 relay configurations.
To view this window, click Administration > DHCPv6 Relay > DHCPv6 Relay Interface Settings, as shown below:
Figure 2- 58. DHCPv6 Relay Interface Settings window
To search for an entry, enter the Interface Name and click Find. To display all current entries on the Switch click View All. To
change a current entry, click the corresponding Modify button of the entry, revealing the following window to configure:
Figure 2- 59. DHCPv6 Relay Interface Settings (Edit) window
The following fields are displayed or can be configured:
Parameter Description
Interface Name
Display the IPv6 relay interface name.
Hops Count (1-32)
This field allows an entry between 1 and 32 to define the maximum number of router
hops DHCPv6 messages can be forwarded across. The default hop count is 4.
Use the pull-down menu to enable or disable the DHCPv6 relay on the interface.
Click Apply to implement the changes. To return to the DHCPv6 Relay Interface Settings window, click the Show All DHCPv6
Relay Interface Entries link.
To see server addresses of an interface, click the corresponding View button: