
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch
Interface Name
Displays the entry of an IP interface previously configured on the Switch.
Area ID
Allows the entry of an OSPFv3 Area ID configured above.
Priority (0-255) Allows the entry of a number between 0 and 255 representing the OSPFv3 priority of the
selected interface. If a Router Priority of 0 is selected, the Switch cannot be elected as the
Designated Router for the network.
Hello Interval (1-
Allows the specification of the interval between the transmissions of OSPFv3 Hello packets,
in seconds. Between 1 and 65535 seconds can be specified. The Hello Interval, Dead
Interval, and Instance should be the same for all routers on the same network.
Dead Interval (1-
Allows the specification of the length of time between the receipt of Hello packets from a
neighbor router before the selected area declares that router down. An interval between 1
and 65535 seconds can be specified. The Dead Interval must be evenly divisible by the
Hello Interval.
Instance ID (0-255)
The instance ID of the interface. Its default value is 0.
Metric (1-65535) This field allows the entry of a number between 1 and 65,535 that is representative of the
OSPFv3 cost of reaching the selected OSPFv3 interface. The default metric is 1.
Administrative State Allows the OSPFv3 interface to be Enabled or Disabled for the selected area without
changing the configuration for that area.
Passive Mode The user may select Active or Passive for this OSPFv3 interface. Active interfaces actively
advertise OSPFv3 to routers on other Intranets that are not part of this specific OSPFv3
group. Passive interface will not advertise to any other routers than those within its OSPFv3
intranet. When this field is disabled, it denotes an active interface.
DR State DR State is a read-only field describing the Designated Router state of the IP interface. This
field may read DR if the interface is the designated router, or Backup DR if the interface is
the Backup Designated Router. The highest IP address will be the Designated Router and is
determined by the OSPFv3 Hello Protocol of the Switch.
The IP address of the aforementioned Designated Router.
Backup DR ID
The IP address of the aforementioned Backup Designated Router.
Transmit Delay A read-only field that denotes the estimated time to transmit a Link State Update Packet over
this interface, in seconds.
Retransmit Time A read-only field that denotes the time between LSA retransmissions over this interface, in