
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch
Priority (0-7)
This parameter is specified to re-write the 802.1p default priority previously set in the Switch,
which is used to determine the CoS queue to which packets are forwarded to. Once this field is
specified, packets accepted by the Switch that match this priority are forwarded to the CoS
queue specified previously by the user.
Replace priority with Tick the corresponding check box if you want to re-write the 802.1p
default priority of a packet to the value entered in the Priority field, which meets the criteria
specified previously in this command, before forwarding it on to the specified CoS queue.
Otherwise, a packet will have its incoming 802.1p user priority re-written to its original value
before being forwarded by the Switch.
For more information on priority queues, CoS queues and mapping for 802.1p, see the QoS
section of this manual.
Group ID (1-4)
This field displays the mirror group’s identity.
This field will instruct the Switch to mask the packet header beginning with the offset value
Chunk 1 - Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from the beginning of the packet
to the first chunk.
Chunk 2 - Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from the end of the first chunk to
the end of the second chunk.
Chunk 3- Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from the end of the second
chunk to the end of the third chunk.
Chunk 4 - Enter a value in hex form to mask the packet from the end of the third chunk
to the end of the fourth chunk.
The Access Rule may be configured on a per-port basis by entering the port number of the
switch in the switch stack into this field. When a range of ports is to be configured, the Auto
Assign check box MUST be ticked in the Access ID field of this window. If not, the user will be
presented with an error message and the access rule will not be configured. The beginning and
end of the port list range are separated by a dash. Entering all will denote all ports on the
Rx Rate (1-156249)
Use this to limit Rx bandwidth for the profile being configured. This rate is implemented using
the following equation: 1 value = 64kbit/sec. (ex. If the user selects an Rx rate of 10 then the
ingress rate is 640kbit/sec.) The user many select a value between 1 and 156249 or No Limit.
The default setting is No Limit.
Time Range
Tick the check box and enter the name of the Time Range settings that has been previously
configured in the Time Range Settings window. This will set specific times when this access
rule will be implemented on the Switch.
Tick the check box and use the pull-down menu to employ the Counter that will count the
packets identified with this rule. Users must note that if the Counter is employed in the ACL
Flow Meter function, the Counter will automatically be disabled here, regardless of this setting.
Replace DSCP (0-
Select this option to instruct the Switch to replace the DSCP value (in a packet that meets the
selected criteria) with the value entered in the adjacent field.
To view the settings of a previously correctly configured rule, click in the Access Rule Table to view the following window: