DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch
RIPng Interface Settings
This window allows users to configure RIPng interface settings.
To view this window, click L3 Features > RIP > RIPng > RIPng Interface Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4- 34. RIPng Interface Settings window
Click the hyperlinked name of the interface to configure the settings for RIPng, which will give access to the following window:
Figure 4- 35. RIPng Interface Settings (Edit) window
The following settings can be configured:
Parameter Description
Interface Name
The name of the interface for the RIPng configuration.
Enable or disable the RIPng state on the specific IP interface. If the state is Disabled, then
RIPng packets will not be transmitted or received by the interface. The default setting is
Enter the cost value of an interface. The RIPng route that was learned from the interface
will add this value as a new route metric. The default value is 1.
Click Apply to implement changes made.