DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch
BGP Dampening Settings
This window is used to configure the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) process’s dampening settings. The purpose of this feature is
to eliminate the dampening of routes and thus to avoid unstable networks caused by flapping routes.
To view this window, click L3 Features > BGP > BGP Dampening Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4- 136. BGP Dampening Settings window
To configure BGP dampening settings on the Switch, complete the following fields:
Parameter Description
Dampening State
Select the BGP dampening function’s state, Enabled or Disabled.
Half Life (1-45)
Enter the time (in minutes) after which the penalty of the reachable routes will be down, by
half. The default setting is 15 minutes.
Reuse (1-20000)
Enter a reuse value. If the penalty for a flapping route decreases enough to fall below this
value, the route is unsuppressed. The default setting is 750.
Suppress (1-20000)
Enter a suppress value. A route is suppressed when its penalty exceeds this limit. The default
setting is 2000.
Max Suppress Time
Enter the maximum time (in minutes) a route can be suppressed. The default setting is 60
Un Reachability Half
Life (1-45)
Enter the time (in minutes) after which the penalty of the unreachable routes will be down, by
half. The default setting is 15 minutes.
Route Map Action
Toggle between Route Map and Clear Route Map. Route Map sets the dampening running
configuration while Clear Route Map withdraws the route map configuration.
Route Map String
Enter a route map name to be set or withdrawn. The default value is null.
Click Apply to implement changes made.