
hes a new
conversion factor (span) without affecting the zero calibration value stored during the last
cing and removing test loads (weights) and is especially
CAL 1= and CAL 2=. The ENTER key is pressed when CAL 1= is displayed and then
the ZERO key pressed when CAL 2= is displayed.
hen the scale is calibrated. They are useful when replacing
or if the need arises to re-calibrate the scale) and a test load (weights) aren’t
7. Calibration “C” Numbers
C2=, C3= and C4=) are displayed on the SCALE 1
4. Single-Point for Span Only (Last Zero)
This calibration method requires one test weight, the scale at zero and establis
calibration. This minimizes pla
useful when checking high capacity scales. This method uses two calibration points, CAL
1= and CAL 2=. The value of the test load (weight) is entered when CAL 1= is
displayed and then the ZERO key pressed when CAL 2= is disp
Single-Point for Zero Only (Only Zero)
This calibration method requires no test weight, an empty scale and establishes a new zer
without affecting the conversion factor (span). This is useful to regain the full range of zer
limit when the dead load of the scale has changed. This would occur for example, if a guard
rail has been added to the scale platform. This method uses two calibration points,
6. Calibration Parameters (Swt, Zct and Sct)
The calibration parameters represent the test load weight Swt= (Span Weight) and the
analog to digital readings at zero Zct= (Zero Count) and test load Sct= (Span Count).
These values are established w
an indicator (
available. By entering the previously recorded parameter values, the indicator can be
returned to its present calibration setting without using test load (weights).
The calibration “C” numbers (C1=,
CALIBRATION MENU during the calibration and setup procedure. These numbers
correspond to the calibration setting of the indicator. They can be used when replacing a
indicator (or if the need arises to recalibrate the scale) and test load (weights) aren’t
available. By entering the previously recorded numbers, the indicator can be returned to
present calibration settings without using test load (weights).
8200-M538-O1 y 225 Installation
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