ations mode, press the SHIFT and then ←⎯ /ESC key.
will change to show the FUNCTION= prompt.
225 will display the calibration “C” numbers (C1 to C4) for
rase Ram Memory
Test Mode
e Test mode is used to display the software revision number, the calibration “C” numbers,
d conduct a test of all display elements. The test consists of 6 cycles:
1. With the indicator in normal oper
2. The display
3. Press the UNITS key.
4. The display will show the model number and the software revisi
5. Next, a graphics display test will be performed.
6. After the display test, the
approximately 5 seconds.
7. After displaying the “C” numbers, the display will return to normal op
WARNING! This procedure will ERASE ALL of the internal RAM memory! This
includes the ID file, batcher info, dealer string, mode of operation, visual tickets).
If a 225 does not display properly after a program update or otherwise becomes corrupt
perform the following:
1. With the indicator in normal operations mode, press the
Navigat ey (red square key).
nge to show th
3. Using the numeric keys, enter 130
4. The display will change to show a
5. To ERASE ALL the memory, press
6. Otherwise, press NO (on the soft k e
Erasing EEPROM Memory
SHIFT key and then the
ion ENTER k
2. The display will cha e SETUP/REVIEW MENU.
and then press the ENTER key.
warning message.
YES (on the soft keys) and then the ENTER key.
eys) and then the ENTER key to return th
WARNING! This procedure will ERA SE the EEPROM calibration data. All EEPROM
memory will be erased and the settings for the scales, Serial ports, etc. will be set
to their default values.
l operat
Navigation ENTER key (red square
2. The display will change to show th
3. Using the numeric keys, enter 160 and then press the ENTER key.
4. The display will change to show a warning message.
5. To ERASE the calibration data, press YES (on the soft keys) and then the ENTER key.
6. Otherwise, press NO (on the soft keys) and then the ENTER key to return the
1. With the indicator in norma ions mode, press the SHIFT key and then the
8200-M538-O1 y 225 Installation
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