6. Data Structure Reference
Parameter Description Supported values
usr_rate User rate to
use on bearer
(layer 1 rate)
ISDN_UR_EINI460 - determined by
E bits in I.460
ISDN_UR_56000 - 56 kbits, V.6
ISDN_UR_64000 - 64 kbits, X.1
ISDN_UR_134 - 1345 kbits, X.1
ISDN_UR_12000 - 12 kbits, V.6
NOTE: This element must be set to
ISDN_NOTUSED if it is not to be
used in the setup message.
destination_number_type Called party
number type
EN_BLOC_NUMBER - number is
sent en-block (in whole, not overlap
INTL_NUMBER - international
number for international call. (verify
availability with service provider)
NAT_NUMBER - national number
for call within national numbering
plan (accepted by most networks)
LOC_NUMBER - subscriber
number for a local call (verify
availability with service provider)
sending; number is not sent in whole
(not available on all networks)
NOTE: The value specified by
cc_SetParm( ) is used if this element
is set to ISDN_NOTUSED.