Dialogic 05-0867-005 Table Top Game User Manual

redefines a call progress tone’s attributes cc_ToneRedefine( )
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Termination Events
CCEV_TONEREDEFINE - indicates that the tone was successfully redefined
CCEV_TONEREDEFINEFAIL - indicates that the function failed
Use the SRL Event Management functions to handle the termination event.
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This function is not supported for the BRI/2 board or for PRI protocols.
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#include <windows.h> /* For Windows applications only */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <cclib.h>
#include <srllib.h>
#include <dxxxlib.h>
unsigned short sigType = 0x01;
int devHdl;
toneParm ToneParm;
* Open the Voice Channel Device and Enable a Handler
if ( ( cc_Open(&devHdl, "briS1T1", 0))<0){
printf( "Error opening device : errno < %d\n, errno );
exit( 1 );
ToneParm.freq1 = 330;
ToneParm.freq2 = 460;
ToneParm.amp1 = -10;
ToneParm.amp2 = -10;
ToneParm.toneOn1 = 400;
ToneParm.toneOff1 = 0;
ToneParm.duration = -1;
* Redefine a dial tone to the internal template.
* This template has Frequency1 = 330,
* Frequency2 = 460, amplitude at -10dB for
* both frequencies and duration of infinity
* This is a Panasonic Local Dial Tone.
cc_ToneRedefine(devHdl, sigType, &ToneParm, EV_SYNC );
* Continue Processing
* Close the opened Voice Channel Device