Display Messages
Owner’s Manual
Display Messages
LCD Indication Description
Are you sure? [YES]/[NO] Confirms whether you want to execute a specified operation or not.
Arpeggio type stored. The current Arpeggio type has been stored to one of the [SF1] - [SF5] buttons.
Bad USB device. The USB storage device is unusable. Format the device and try again.
Bulk protected. Bulk data was received when RcvBulk was set to “protect.” (See page 166.)
Can’t make folder. No more directories can be created below the current level.
Completed. The specified load, save, format, or other job has been completed.
Device number is off. Bulk data cannot be transmitted/received because the device number is set to “off.”
Device number mismatch. Bulk data cannot be transmitted/received because the device numbers don’t match
Effect plug-in is not in slot 1. The Effect Plug-in board does not work because it has not been installed to slot 1.
Executing... A format operation or job is being executed. Please wait.
File already exists. A file having the same name as the one you are about to save already exists.
File not found. Can’t find the specified type of file.
Folder is too deep. Directories below this level cannot be accessed.
Folder not empty. You have attempted to delete a folder that contains data.
Illegal USB device. USB storage device has been incorrectly formatted.
Illegal file. The file specified for loading is unusable by the S90 ES or cannot be loaded in the current mode.
Illegal file name. The specified file name is unacceptable.
Incompatible USB device A USB device which cannot be used with the S90 ES has been connected to the USB TO DEVICE connector.
MIDI buffer full. Failed to process the MIDI data because too much data was received at once.
MIDI checksum error. Error occurred when receiving bulk data.
MIDI data error. Error occurred when receiving MIDI data.
Multi plug-in is not in slot 3. The Multi-Part Plug-in board does not work because it has not been installed to slot 3.
No response from USB device. There is no response from the USB device connected to the USB TO DEVICE terminal.
Not empty folder. You have attempted to delete a folder that contains data.
Now checking plug-in board. The S90 ES is checking the Plug-in board installation status during power-on.
Now loading... (xxxx) Indicates that a file is being loaded.
Now saving... (xxxx) Indicates that a file is being saved.
Now scanning autoloaded files. Scanning for the files specified for Auto Load.
Now working... Executing the memory arrangement after canceling the Load/Save operation by pressing the [EXIT] button.
Overwrite? [YES]/[NO] A save operation will overwrite data on the USB storage device, and this message confirms whether it is OK to
continue or not. Press [INC/YES] or [DEC/NO] as required.
Please keep power on. The data is being written to internal memory. Never attempt to turn off the power while data is being written to
internal memory. Turning the power off while this message is shown results in loss of all user data and may
cause the system to freeze. This may also result in the S90 ES being unable to properly start up the next time the
power is turned on.
Please stop sequencer. The operation you’ve attempted to execute cannot be done during sequencer playback.
PLG100 not supported. The Plug-in All Bulk Save function does not apply to the PLG100 series boards.
Plug-in1 communication error. The Plug-in board that has been installed to slot 1 does not work.
Plug-in1 type mismatch. The User Voice created by using the Plug-in board previously installed to slot 1 (but now removed from slot 1)
has been selected.
Plug-in2 communication error. The Plug-in board that has been installed to slot 2 does not work.
Plug-in2 type mismatch. The User Voice created by using the Plug-in board previously installed to slot 2 (but now removed from slot 2)
has been selected.
Plug-in3 communication error. The Plug-in board that has been installed to slot 3 does not work.
Plug-in3 type mismatch. The User Voice created by using the Plug-in board previously installed to slot 3 (but now removed from slot 3)
has been selected.
Power on mode stored. The setting of the program number automatically selected when turning the power on has been stored.
Read only file. You have attempted to delete, rename, or overwrite a read-only file.
Receiving MIDI bulk. The S90 ES is receiving MIDI bulk data.
System memory crashed. Writing data to internal Memory has failed
This performance uses user voices. The performance you have loaded includes User voice data. Check whether the voice you saved exists at the
appropriate User voice bank.
Too many favorites. You’ve attempted to assign more than 257 voices to the Favorite category.
Transmitting MIDI bulk. The S90 ES is transmitting MIDI bulk data.
Unknown file format. File format is not recognized.