Voice mode
Multi modeUtility modeFile modeMaster mode
Multi Voice
Sequence Play
Voice Play mode
Owner’s Manual
Voice mode
The Voice Play mode lets you perform a variety of general editing operations on the selected voice. For more detailed and comprehensive
editing operations, use the Voice Edit mode. With few exceptions, you can store all parameter settings to internal memory as User Voices.
n In the Voice Play mode and Voice Edit mode, you can set the parameters for each Voice. The parameters for all the Voices such as Master EQ and
Master Effect can be set from the [UTILITY] → [F3] VOICE display in the Utility mode.
n The parameters that have the same name in the Voice Play mode and in the Voice Edit mode have the same functions and settings.
n When a Plug-in voice is selected, certain parameters are not available for editing, even if they’re described here.
Voice Play mode
[VOICE] → Voice selection
TCH (Transmit Channel) Indicates the Keyboard MIDI transmit channel.
You can change the Keyboard MIDI transmit channel by pressing the [TRACK SELECT] button so that its
indicator lights and pressing any of the NUMBER [1] - [16] buttons. The Keyboard MIDI transmit channel can
be changed also with the following operation: [UTILITY] → [F5] MIDI → [SF1] CH → KBDTransCh.
OCT (Octave) Indicates the Keyboard Octave setting.
This can be changed also with the following operation: [UTILITY] → [F1] GENERAL → [SF2] KBD → Octave.
Indicates the functions assigned to the respective Control sliders (printed “ASSIGN A” and “ASSIGN B”) when
the lamps of both the [PAN/SEND] and [TONE] buttons are turned on. The functions are assigned with the
following operation: [UTILITY] → [F4] CTL ASN → [SF2] ASSIGN.
n TCH (Transmit Channel), OCT (Octave), ASA (ASSIGN A), and ASB (ASSIGN B) settings do not belong to each Voice. Because of this, these are not stored as an
individual Voice in the Voice Store mode (page 46).
Indicates the functions assigned to the respective Control sliders (printed “ASSIGN 1” and “ASSIGN 2”) when
the lamps of both the [PAN/SEND] and [TONE] buttons are turned on. The functions are assigned by setting
the Voice Edit common parameters with the following operation: [VOICE] → [EDIT] → [COMMON] → [F4] CTL
[SF1] ARP1 (Arpeggio 1) -
[SF5] ARP5 (Arpeggio 5)
You can register the desired Arpeggio types to these buttons and call them up any time during your keyboard
performance. Refer to page 39 in the Quick Guide section.
This display is available only when a Plug-in Board has been installed and a Voice of the Plug-in Board is selected.
From this display you can select the particular bank on the Plug-in board, and determine whether you will be using a Plug-in Voice or a “Board” Voice. Board
Voices are unprocessed, unaltered Voices of the Plug-in board—the “raw material” for Plug-in Voices. Plug-in Voices are edited Board Voices—Voices that
have been specially programmed and processed for optimum use with this synthesizer. For more details, see page 101.
Settings: The following selections are available, for example, when a Plug-in Voice using the Plug-in board installed to slot 1 is selected: PLG1USR (User Plug-in Voice), PLGPRE1
(Preset Plug-in Voice), 032/000 ... (Indicates the Bank Select MSB/LSB of the Board Voice. These values differ depending on the installed Plug-in board.)
Pressing the [F3] EFFECT button in the Voice Play mode calls up the same EFFECT display in the Voice Edit mode ([VOICE] → [EDIT] → [COMMON] → [F6]
EFFECT). From this display, you can set the effect related parameters for the current Voice. See page 133.
[F4] PORTA (Portamento)
From this display you can select monophonic or polyphonic playback and set the Portamento parameters.
Portamento is used to create a smooth transition in pitch from the first note played on the keyboard to the next.
Mono/Poly Determines whether the Voice is played back monophonically (single notes only) or polyphonically (multiple
simultaneous notes).
Settings: mono, poly
n When pressing the second note while holding the first note with the PortaSw set to on and the Mono/Poly set to on, the
second note sound starts succeeding the transition of the first note, or the second note starts not from the EG (AEG/
PEG/FEG) start point but from the EG (AEG/PEG/FEG) point the first note reaches. This realizes the legato performance.
This legato degree can be set with the following operation: [VOICE] → [EDIT] → [COMMON] → [F1] GENERAL → [SF4]
PORTA → LegatoSlope (page 129).
PortaSw (Portamento Switch) Determines whether Portamento is applied to the current Voice or not.
Settings: off, on
PortaTime (Portamento Time) Determines the pitch transition time. Higher values result in longer transition times.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
PortaMode (Portamento Mode) Determines the Portamento mode. The behavior of the Portamento varies depending on whether Mono/Poly is
set to “mono” or “poly.”
Settings: fingered, fulltime
fingered...........Portamento is only applied when you play legato (playing the next note before releasing the previous one).
fulltime.............Portamento is always applied.