Voice mode
Multi mode Utility mode File mode Master mode
Multi Voice
Sequence Play
Voice Edit mode Drum Voice Edit Common Edit
Owner’s Manual
Drum Voice Edit
When a Drum Voice is selected, Voice Edit parameters are divided into Common Edit (parameters common to all keys, up to 73), and Key
Edit (parameters of individual keys).
These parameters are for making global (or common) edits to all keys of the selected Drum Voice.
These parameters are for editing the individual keys that make up a Drum Voice.
Common Edit
[VOICE] → Drum Voice selection → [EDIT] → [COMMON]
Same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See page 128.
[SF3] MEQ OFS (Master EQ Offset)
Same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See page 129. In addition, the following two parameters are also available.
(Insertion Reverb Send)
Determines the Send level for the entire Drum voice (all keys), sent from Insertion Effect A/B to the Reverb
Settings: 0 ~ 127
(Insertion Chorus Send)
Determines the Send level for the entire Drum voice (all keys), sent from Insertion Effect A/B to the Chorus
Settings: 0 ~ 127
n The parameters cannot be set indepently for each Drum key.
n For Normal Voices, the values are fixed at 127 (maximum).
[F3] ARP (Arpeggio)
Same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See page 129.
[F4] CTL SET (Controller Set)
Same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See page 131.
Please note that the Element Switch parameter is not available in Drum Voice Common edit.
Same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See page 133.
The only difference here is that “KEY: OUT” appears in the [SF1] CONNECT display instead of “EL: OUT” (in Normal Common Effect).
Key Edit
[VOICE] → Drum Voice selection → [EDIT] → Key selection
[F1] OSC (Oscillator)
From this display you can select the desired wave or Normal voice used for the individual Drum key.
Type Determines whether a Wave or a Normal voice is to be used for the selected key. Also, use the Bank, Number
and Category parameters below to specify the desired Wave or Normal voice.
Settings: pre wav (Preset wave), voice
n When the Type is set to “voice” here, some parameters in the Drum Voice Edit mode cannot be edited.
ElementSw (Element Switch) This parameter is available when Type (above) is set to “pre wav.” This determines whether the currently
selected key is on or off, or in other words, whether the wave for the key is active or inactive.
Settings: on, off
Bank This parameter is available when Type (above) is set to “voice.” Any of the Normal voice banks can be
n Plug-in voices cannot be selected for Drum keys.
Number Determines the Wave/Voice number. The number differs depending on the selected Type. For details about
available Waves and Voices, refer to the separate Data List booklet.
Settings: When Type is set to “pre wav”: 001 ~ 1935
When Type is set to “voice”: 001 ~ 128
Category Determines the Category of the Wave/Normal Voice. If you switch to another Category, the first Wave/Normal
Voice in that Category will be selected.
n For more information about the Categories, refer to the separate Data List booklet.