Voice mode
Multi mode Utility mode File mode Master mode
Multi Voice
Sequence Play
Performance Edit mode Common Edit
Owner’s Manual
Voice Edit parameters are divided into Common Edit (parameters common to all four Parts), and Part Edit (parameters of individual Parts).
Performance Edit mode
[PERFORM] → Performance selection → [EDIT]
Common Edit
[PERFORM] → Performance selection → [EDIT] → [COMMON]
From this display you can assign the category (sub and main) of the selected Performance, and create a name
for the Performance. The Performance name can contain up to 10 characters. For detailed instructions on
naming a Performance, see “Basic Operation” on page 128.
(Master EQ Offset)
Determines the offset values of the Master EQ in the [F2] OUT/MEF → [SF2] MEQ display. The level of each of
the four bands (with the exception of “MID”) can be adjusted. When the [EQ] button is turned on, you can also
adjust these settings directly from the Control sliders.
[SF4] PORTA (Portamento)
This display allows you to set the Portamento related parameters.
The parameters are the same as in the Performance Play mode. See page 129.
From this display you can set the control functions for the Control sliders and related parameters.
With the exception of Pitch Bend, which cannot be set here, these parameters are the same as in the Voice Edit
mode (page 129).
[F2] OUT/MEF (Output/Master Effect)
[SF1] OUT (Output)
Volume Determines the output level of the selected Performance. You can adjust the overall volume, keeping the
balance between all Parts.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Pan Determines the stereo pan position of the selected Performance. This parameter offsets the same parameter in
the Part Edit setting. When the [PAN/SEND] button is turned on, you can also adjust this parameter using the
Control slider.
Settings: L63 (Left) ~ C (Center) ~ R63 (Right)
n A setting of “C” (center) maintains the individual Pan settings of each Part.
RevSend (Reverb send) Determines the Send level of the signal sent from Insertion Effect A/B (or the bypassed signal) to the Reverb
effect. When the [PAN/SEND] button is turned on, you can also adjust this parameter using the Control slider.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
ChoSend (Chorus send) Determines the Send level of the signal sent from Insertion Effect A/B (or the bypassed signal) to the Chorus
effect. When the [PAN/SEND] button is turned on, you can also adjust this parameter using the Control slider.
Settings: 0 ~127
n For details on Effect connections in the Performance mode, see page 122.
[SF2] MEQ (Master EQ)
From this display you can apply five-band equalization to all Parts of the selected Performance. You can raise
or lower the signal level at the Frequency of each band (LOW, LOWMID, MID, HIGHMID, HIGH).
SHAPE Determines whether the equalizer type used is Shelving or Peaking. The Peaking type attenuates/boosts the
signal at the specified Frequency setting, whereas the Shelving type attenuates/boosts the signal at
frequencies above or below the specified Frequency setting. This parameter is available only for the LOW and
HIGH frequency bands.
Settings: shelv (Shelving type), peak (Peaking type)
FREQ (Frequency) Determines the center frequency. Frequencies around this point are attenuated/boosted by the Gain setting.
Settings: LOW: Shelving 32Hz ~ 2.0kHz, Peaking 63Hz ~ 2.0kHz
LOWMID, MID, HIGHMID: 100Hz ~ 10.0kHz
HIGH: 500Hz ~ 16.0kHz
GAIN Determines the level gain for the Frequency (set above), or the amount the selected frequency band is
attenuated or boosted.
Settings: -12dB ~ 0dB ~ +12dB
Q (Frequency Characteristic) This varies the signal level at the Frequency setting to create various frequency curve characteristics.
Settings: 0.1 ~ 12.0
n For details on the EQ, see page 119.
[SF3] MEF (Master Effect)
From this display you can set the Master Effect related parameters.
Switch Determines whether Master Effect is applied or not to the selected Performance.
Settings: off, on
Type Determines the Master effect type.
Settings: Refer to the Effect Types list in the separate Data List booklet.
n The available parameters except for the above two differ depending on the currently selected effect type. For more information, refer to the separate Data List