Voice mode
Multi modeUtility modeFile modeMaster mode
Multi Voice
Sequence Play
Performance Play mode
Owner’s Manual
Performance mode
The Performance Play mode lets you perform a variety of general editing operations on the selected Performance. For more detailed and
comprehensive editing operations, use the Performance Edit mode.
n The parameters that have the same name in the Performance Play mode and in the Performance Edit mode have the same functions and settings.
Performance Play mode
[PERFORM] → Performance selection
TCH (Transmit Channel) Same as in Voice Play mode.
These parameters are available both in the Voice mode and the Performance mode regardless of the selected
Voice or Performance.
OCT (Octave)
n TCH (Transmit Channel), OCT (Octave), ASA (ASSIGN A), and ASB (ASSIGN B) settings do not belong to each Performance. Because of this, these are not stored
as an individual Performance in the Performance Store mode (page 156).
Indicates the values obtained by controlling the respective Control sliders (printed “ASSIGN 1” and “ASSIGN
2”) when the lamps of both the [PAN/SEND] and [TONE] buttons are turned on. The functions assigned to
these sliders depend on the setting of the Voice assigned to each Part of the Performance.
[SF1] ARP1 (Arpeggio 1) -
[SF5] ARP5 (Arpeggio 5)
You can register the desired Arpeggio types to these buttons and call them up any time during your keyboard
performance. Refer to page 39 in the Quick Guide section.
From this display you can select a Voice for each Part and determine the note range it can be played from.
(Add Internal Voice)
Press this button to assign an internal Voice to the selected Part.
(Add Plug-in Voice)
Press this button to assign a Plug-in Voice to the selected Part.
Pressing this button deletes the Voice assignment for the selected Part, leaving the Part blank.
[SF4] LIMIT L (Note Limit Low)
This sets the lowest note of the range over which the Voice of the selected Part sounds. Simultaneously hold
down this button and press the desired key on the keyboard to set the note.
[SF5] LIMIT H (Note Limit High)
This sets the highest note of the range over which the Voice of the selected Part sounds. Simultaneously hold
down this button and press the desired key on the keyboard to set the note.
Pressing the [F3] EFFECT button in the Performance Play mode calls up the same EFFECT display in the Performance Edit mode ([PERFORM] → [EDIT] →
[COMMON] → [F6] EFFECT). From this display, you can set the effect related parameters for the current Performance. See page 122.
[F4] PORTA (Portamento)
From this display you can set the Portamento parameters. Portamento is used to create a smooth transition in pitch from the first note played on the keyboard
to the next.
PortaSw (Portamento Switch) Determines whether Portamento is on or off for all Parts. (This is a global switch and overrides the individual
Part settings in Part Switch below.)
Settings: off, on
PortaTime (Portamento Time) Determines the pitch transition time. This parameter offsets the same parameter in Part Edit (page 152). Higher
values result in longer transition times.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
PartSwitch Determines whether Portamento is on or off for each individual Part. This is available only when the PortaSw
(above) is set to on.
[F5] EG (Envelope Generator)
This display contains the basic EG settings, both volume and filter, for the Performance, as well as the filter’s cutoff frequency and resonance settings. The
settings made here are applied as offsets to the AEG and FEG settings in the Performance Edit mode (pages 154, 155).
The parameters are same as in Voice Play mode. See page 128.
[F6] ARP (Arpeggio)
This display contains the basic settings for Arpeggio playback, including Type and Tempo. Note that the Performance mode lets you independently enable
or disable Arpeggio playback for each Part.
The parameters are same as in the Voice Play mode (page 128) except for the following one.
PartSw Determines whether Arpeggio is on or off for the selected Part. The Parts for which boxes are checkmarked are
enabled for Arpeggio play.