Voice mode
Multi modeUtility modeFile modeMaster mode
Multi Voice
Sequence Play
Voice Edit mode Normal Voice Edit Element Edit
Owner’s Manual
[SF4] KEY FLW (Key Follow)
From this display you can set the Key Follow effect—in other words, how the pitch of the Element and its Pitch
EG respond to the particular notes (or octave range) you play.
PitchSens (Pitch Sensitivity) Determines the sensitivity of the Key Follow effect (the pitch interval of adjacent notes).
At +100 (the normal setting), adjacent notes are pitched one semitone (100 cents) apart. At 0, all notes are the
same pitch. At +50, one octave is stretched out over twenty-four notes. For negative values, the settings are
Settings: -200 ~ 0 ~ +200
n This parameter is useful for creating alternate tunings, or for use with sounds that do not need to be spaced in
semitones, such as pitched drum sounds in a Normal Voice.
Determines the central note or pitch for the Key Follow effect on pitch. The note number set here is the same
pitch as normal regardless of the Pitch Sensitivity setting. Depending on the Pitch Sensitivity parameter above,
the further away from the Center Key the keys are played, the greater the degree of pitch change.
Settings: C -2 ~ G8
n You can also set the Center Key directly from the keyboard, by holding down the [INFORMATION] button and pressing
the desired key.
(EG Time Sensitivity)
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically, their position or octave range) affect the Pitch EG times
of the selected Element. The Center Key (next parameter) is used as the basic pitch for this parameter.
A positive setting will cause the pitch of lower notes to change slower and that of higher notes to change faster.
Negative values will have the opposite effect.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~+63
Determines the central note or pitch for the Key Follow effect on Pitch EG.
When the Center Key note is played, the PEG behaves according to its actual settings. The pitch change
characteristics for other notes will vary in proportion to the EG Time settings.
Settings: C -2 ~ G8
n You can also set the Center Key directly from the keyboard, by holding down the [INFORMATION] button and pressing
the desired key.
From this display you can make comprehensive settings for the Filter unit. The available parameters differ
depending on which Filter type is selected here.
Type Basically, there are four different Filter types: an LPF (Low Pass Filter), an HPF (High Pass Filter), a BPF (Band
Pass Filter) and a BEF (Band Elimination Filter). Each type has a different frequency response and produces a
different effect on the sound. This synthesizer also features special combination Filter types, for additional
sonic control.
Settings: Refer to page 148.
Gain Determines the Gain (the amount of boost applied to the signal sent to the Filter).
Settings: 0 ~ 255
Cutoff Determines the cutoff frequency for the Filter, or the central frequency around which the Filter is applied.
Settings: 0 ~ 255
This parameter’s function varies according to the selected Filter Type. If the selected filter is an LPF, HPF, BPF
(excluding the BPFw), or BEF, this parameter is used to set the Resonance. For the BPFw, it is used to adjust the
Width of the band. Resonance is used to set the amount of Resonance (harmonic emphasis) applied to the signal
at the cutoff frequency. This can be used in combination with the cutoff frequency parameter to add further
character to the sound. The Width parameter is used to adjust the width of the band of signal frequencies passed
by the filter with the BPFw.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Distance Determines the distance between the Cutoff frequencies, for the Dual Filter types (which feature two identical
filters combined in parallel, and the LPF12 + BPF6 type).
Settings: 0 ~ 255
HPFCutoff Determines the central frequency for the Key Follow parameter (below) of the HPF. When a filter type “LPF12”
or “LPF6” is selected, this parameter is available.
Settings: 0 ~ 255
Center key
Center key
Amount of
pitch change
Positive value
Higher rangeLower range
Slower speed
Faster speed
Negative value
When Pitch Sensitivity is set to 100
Pitch Sensitivity and Center Key
EG Time Sensitivity and Center Key